Sunday, March 04, 2007

Dear -------,

It's been a while since my last vacation. Maybe I could consider this my first in many years, even though, technically, this *is* a business trip. I'm in Krabi, by the way, writing on a dark wooden table. The sun's just come up, and it's Monday.

You always ask me what I'm reading now. Just to let you know I brought this book with me called "The Martian Chronicles." Typically I won't read sci-fi, but the cover had Ray Bradbury's name on it, and they said he's peerless in the genre. Anyway, it only cost 40 bucks at Book Sale, so I didn't have to squeeze my head too much. I don't know yet if I like him.
I couldn't tell sometimes if the sun was setting or rising. The sky had the same hue at dawn and at dusk.

Maybe the bleached wooden bridges could make a good sundial.
Yesterday, I had to make an important decision.
Guess which one I picked.
Of course, it wasn't all fun and games. My planner and I spent the yesterday afternoon surveying the geographics of the market...

... and brainstorming.

There were some distractions, of course.

Funny that I feel homesick everytime I fly out. But not too long. I find fellow Pinoys even in a place as farflung as Krabi. They're quite nice.
Thailand continues to surprise me. It's as if it shows a different face from time to time, and I wonder where I am at all. I catch myself asking, "Doesn't this remind you of fall in Munich?"

"This is probably how California looks like." Or...
"Isn't this from one of those Japanese movies?"
Anyway, I hope you're doing whatever it is you've wanted to do your whole life. You told me to keep in touch. I'm glad we've kept our doors open.

Once in a while missing you gets so bad. After spa, I had to stop myself from crying when they served green tea for two instead of one. You've always liked green tea.

Do write. I miss your letters.


At 2:29 PM, Blogger daytripper1021 said...



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