Tuesday, November 06, 2007

50% off When You Die Before Nov 2

It was my Dad who first saw it -- the billboard perched at the Shell Station in Magallanes. It had an image of an angel looking over... yes, a coffin, on top of which had "50% DISCOUNT" in red letters.

Dad says to Mom, "Uy! May promo! Tara, mamatay na tayo!" Mom says, "Oo nga, no? Tara!"

(Now you know where I get my sense of humor...)

I looked it up on the web, sure enough, the promo exists! Got it here. But I pasted the mechanics for your, ehem, enjoyment? Scrutiny.


Promo Period is from October 27 to November 2, 2007. This includes:

  1. Services we received on October 27 even if death occurred on
    October 25 or 26, 2007.
  2. All deaths which occurred up to November 2, 2007 even if we receive the
    body/or service up to November 4, 2007.
  3. The promo is applicable to Upgrading and At-Need services only; all other
    extra services will be charged at regular rates.
  4. Senior Citizens’ Discount has been incorporated into the promo
    discount. No additional discount will be provided.
  5. The promo is not applicable to pre-need services.
  6. Pre-selling or reservation is not allowed. The actual date of death
    will be the basis for the discount.
  7. Excess viewing days charges are not entitled to the 50% discount.
  8. No full payment, No Interment policy still holds throughout the promo
    See Posters and Print Ads for more Details.

My verdict? RUBBISH. There is actually no point to this promotion because it's not targetting an incremental in preneed (see points 5 & 6). No one would actually want to die before a certain time period (nor in his/her right mind, want to send a loved one to the other side to avail of halfpriced services). Have admired St. Peter's Plan as a company, but in this particular promotion on which they obviously spent a significant amount of cash (there's another one along EDSA, near Guada), it is absolutely insensitive and tasteless.




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