My Favorite Officemate
"I haven't seen you in such a long time!" Air-kisses.That's Drew.
"Are you alright now? I was trying to call you last week after your message. What's wrong with your phone?"
He is so concerned. But I just brush his question off. Shrug.
"I'm going to New York next week for this Project (Bleep!) thing... Damn."
Again, him. Lucky B. I stifle a yawn, trying to fight a gestating flu.
"Ow... I don't want to be out there alone. I wish you could be with me in New York."
My Christmas Wish: Oh please make Drew straight and fall in love with me.
"I am so sleepy. This guy that I was so inlove with came over for a visit last weekend. We talked and talked all night. Didn't get any sleep at all."
Talk? Really? That's all you did?
"Then right in the middle of the chat he gave me this big kiss and said he owed me that kiss. I said, 'No. I am attached.'"
Why is it that every guy in your story is nuts over you?
"Anyway, let's get a conference room and just ... sleep..." Dozes off.
Oh we can do more than that if you want.